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Today's people !!! Are Smartphones Turning Us Into Bad humanitarian ?

Now a days , Everyone is busy with their smartphones .

Look down any crowded train bus or busy street in Delhi and you’re guaranteed to find the majority of people with their heads bent over their smartphones or other electronic devices. And while there’s no end of folklore twittering on about the damage all this constant stimulus is doing to the youth of today, there’s also a very physical risk that can come with cell phone addiction.

The number of people have been the cause to call-outs the number of ambulance while walking or driving due to using their smartphones is on the rise - Ayush Gemini

In spite of this, no one has time to directly communicate even with them who are living in a same house .is it right ????

Eventually no !!!

ummm.... what????

yeah !! I tell you why , i am not saying to be in socially touch is bad but to be in touch only digitally ,virtually is not good enough .we need to give time to our family ,friends relatives too.

"The one who has two friends in real world is richest in terms of everything than other's has million in virtual world." - Ayush Gemini

Guys, wake up there is also a natural beautiful world outside of your smartphone's virtual world .so, let's enjoy the nature beauty !!

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